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Daily Accountability Meetings Workshop

This 2-hour workshop is intended to provide you with a roadmap to understand Daily Accountability Meetings from a continuous improvement perspective, aid in individual development, as well as the culture to support it.
  • Are you often asked what is the best approach to ensure continuous improvement efforts are maintained and measured long into the future?

  • Are you also asked how to make simpler the process of escalating, checking performance, and aligning the full organisation to support company goals and objectives, at all levels?

Some say it is easy to make process improvements in a Lean Office environment ...

... but it is very important not to forget that improvements must be reviewed regularly, and cannot be left to manage themselves after implementation or completion of a project. Or for your team to slip back into old habits.

Communication is key!

You can't just hope that participation will happen. Nor you can demand it. During this workshop we will review a few strategies to get your team engaged and how to deal with participation in meetings.

We will also

Daily accountability meetings
  • Understand the reasons and benefits for implementing the Daily Accountability Meetings in a Lean Office environment, 

  • Who should attend to lead,

  • Explore some of the key tools and visual aids, 

  • Review the type of metrics you should expect to see in a Lean environment, 

  • Provide tips and best practices to support you when implementing the Daily Accountability Meetings

​Check it out! Our e-book "Daily Accountability Meetings" has been written with the intent to help you set up regular review meetings with your teams, identify correct levels of administrators and management to assign responsibilities to, and ensure the buy-in of teams both early and effectively.
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