Process improvement project - Analyze -
How do you know your process is working efficiently?
You implement a new Process or make changes to a Process. What's next?
As part of the Continuous Improvement cycle, you will need to revisit the process to check it is in place, that employees are using it, and that the process meets the original improvement objectives.
This takes place through an audit. An audit can be internal or external, and normally by a person who does not perform the task on a regular basis. A Quality Coordinator or Supervisor could be examples.
What type of questions are available for you to ask?
Read on for a suggested list...
Who are the customers that have expectations of the process?
Why is this process done? What is its purpose? Does everyone involved understand the purpose?
What are the value-added and non-value-added steps?
How can you carry out essential non-value-added steps using minimal resources?
What are the critical success factors - that is, the things you must do well?
Why are the tasks in the process carried out in that order? Are all the steps involved in the process necessary? Do all the steps add value for the customer?
Why is the process carried out by a particular person or people?
What measurement is in place to asses performance and identify possible improvement opportunities? Think in particular of how you might identify and measure those parts of the process that are repetitive and important to ensuring the process confirms to requirements
What is the cycle time involved in the process? Why is the lead time longer than the cycle time?
What are the barriers that prevent us from providing a quality output?
If decisions need to be made as part of the process, are the criteria that will be used to make the decisions understood by everyone involved? Are the decisions communicated adequately?
How do you and others deal with problems that occur in the process?
What are the most common mistakes that occur in the process? What impact do these mistakes have on customers?
Where have improvements already been tried in the process? What are the outcomes?
As a Lean consultancy, we are passionate about simplicity and Lean is a mindset that we apply in all our areas of activity. Our reward is when we know that we helped you meeting your business objectives, where both management skills and tools play a key role.