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GRIP - Everyone on board?

GRIP is a simple assessment tool to quickly check how the team is working together on a project.

To quickly check whether everyone is on board on a project or not:

1.  Draw a visual chart or a simple grid table like the example below, where team members can circle their responses.

2. Ask each person to place a mark against one column (columns should be titled 1-5)

As an alternative, either in a virtual environment or not, you can use apps e.g. Mentimeter, or any other app for polls / surveys. The voting (in Mentimeter in particular) is anonymous which can result in a more honest feedback.

GRIP Table example
What to look out for

  • Areas of commonality and differences in views

  • Areas of strength and weakness

  • Identify and agree improvement actions to address any issues


Here are some further examples of questions which can be asked for each of the GRIP categories:


G (Goals)

  • Purpose and outcomes – we understand and agree on our project mission and desired outcome (vision)

  • Customers and Needs – we know who the project stakeholders are, what they require, and why this project is really needed

  • Goals and deliverables – We have identified the specific, measurable and prioritized project goals and deliverables linked to our business plans

  • Project scope definition – We understand/agree on what is in/out of scope and our tasks.  The project scope is ´set´

Grip - Is everyone on board?
R (Roles)
  • Roles and Responsibilities – We have defined and agreed on our roles, responsibilities, required skills and resources for our project team

  • Authority and Autonomy – Our team is clear on the degree of authority/empowerment we have to meet our project mission

I (Interpersonal)

       Team/Operating Agreement – We have shared expectations, and agreed the followed guidelines for how our teams work together

  • Interpersonal Team – We have the necessary relationships, trust, openness, participation and behaviors for a healthy and productive team


P (Processes)

       Critical success factors – We know and are focusing on the key factors needed to meet the project goal and mission

  • Plans and activities – We have an effective plan to follow that and includes the right tasks – these are clearly defined and assigned

  • Monitoring and measures – We have effective monitoring process and specific metrics linked to progress and goals

  • Schedule and milestones – we have defined our project schedule and know what the key phases and milestones are

As a Lean consultancy, we are passionate about simplicity and Lean is a mindset that we apply in all our areas of activity. Our Lean Office and Leadership-oriented communication training programs act as a catalyst to help you accelerating your professional skills and abilities to face the future of work.

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